Some people are really great at what they do, but still find themselves struggling to move ahead in the office or maintain positive work relationships. Why? A person’s skill-set doesn’t matter if their attitude is lazy or just plain toxic. So here’s the question. Are your troubles at work because of other people — or are you the problem?
Always late to work? Constantly overwhelmed and upset? Do you feel like your coworkers avoid you, or like you work hard to avoid them? The problem may not really be that you just don’t like your job. You may actually be a pretty horrible employee. Check out this list of traits that signify a person isn’t a great fit for the workplace.
Don’t Let These Personal Habits Earn You a “Bad Employee” Label.
Bad employees aren’t always bad people. Some find they just don’t have what it takes to blend into their corporation’s unique culture or to get along with their boss’s personality, while others could certainly use an attitude adjustment. Either way, they just aren’t great assets in the workplace.
Are you or someone you know guilty of any of the following?
- Tardiness. This is huge. It doesn’t matter if a person is late to the office in the morning or late to a meeting. Tardiness signifies a lack of respect for other people and their time.
- Isolation vs socialization. People who run out of the office as fast as they can to have lunch alone, or who stay at their desk to avoid socialization, are singling themselves out. Avoidance stunts the growth of a good team. Working to not fit in can make an employee a detriment instead of an asset, no matter how hard they work at their desk.
- Emotional overload. We all get stressed at work, but most of us shrug it off or handle it professionally. Those who are constantly complaining to other employees about their grievances create tension and dissent. Those who are loud, screaming, angry, or regularly crying at their desks may not be able to handle the pressure and will eventually drag the entire team down.
- Gossiping. People will always talk, but there’s a difference between seeing employees talking about their own lives or talking about other employees, their opinions on their work ethics, and spreading rumors about possible company changes.
- A lack of flexibility. While most jobs have fixed schedules and deadlines, unexpected projects come up from time to time. Good employees can shift focus and run with the new task. Bad employees whine, complain, and waste time being upset about the change in plan than they actually spend working.
- Cockiness. Bright, talented employees can be an asset, but those who think they are better than everyone else can really drag things down. Good employees don’t label their coworkers as useless or treat them with disrespect — in voice or body language.
- Lower productivity levels. Some employees are simply more organized and productive than others, but there is always an expected workplace average. Employees who constantly underperform create stress and tension, especially near deadlines.
- The blame game. We all make mistakes, even at work. Good employees own up to them and even ask for help to make the correction and avoid making the same mistake again in the future. Horrible employees blame others, claim a lack of training, and force their managers to clean up their messes. Not cool.
- Mediocrity. Great employees take pride in their work and are always looking for ways to do better or move up. Bad employees coast along, do the bare minimum, and never show any drive.
Some people just aren’t a great fit for every workplace. It’s okay to admit a job just isn’t what was expected and move on. Just don’t take advantage of the situation and try to coast along. You’ll do nothing but gain a reputation as a bad employee.