Neuroscience Shows Musicians Are Superhuman

Musicians are superhuman

Scientists proved that the human brain actively lights up when listening to music. What’s crazy, though, is the mental capacity it takes to play music yourself. Recent neuroscience shows musicians are superhuman!

Here’s a list of musicians’ central neurological abilities that they need for their craft. There’s quite theĀ 


Ā Our brains work to dissect the sounds we’re hearing. It categorizes these sounds into different parts, like melody and rhythm. The brain then puts them back together in a split second. Music sharpens your brain’s ability to comprehend information quickly.Ā 

Super Strength. Super Speed.

Scientists have found that musicians’ brains process fast information sequences while playing music. Playing music can strengthen the brain’s computing power, which is useful in any circumstance.

Bridging The Gap

Playing music always uses both hemispheres of the brain. This allows musicians to solve problems more effectively than most. The simultaneous activity on both sides of the brain enables information to process quicker and more creatively.Ā 

Business Gurus

Music has so many components- patterns, structure, emotion, creativity, and mathematical ratios. Musicians are always interpreting all of these things at once. This strengthens the ability to plan, strategize, and pay attention to detail. A broad skillset makes musicians very versatile in the workplace- so long as they’re creatively stimulated.


Musicians usually have better memory-storing methods. The computing strength and speed between hemispheres allow them to remember events more effectively.Ā 

Superpowers For All!

Studies have shown that your neural processing level increases as you learn an instrument. You too can sharpen your brain by busting out an old guitar or dusting off your keyboard.Ā 

You don’t need to be a musician as a profession, but if a hobby gives you superpowers, why not give it a try? If you want to know more details, check out the TED-Ed video below.Ā 

For more insight on your mind, consider our article Why Do You Feel Shame?